How to Boost Immunity against Coronavirus | How To Increase Immunity - Monster Thinks

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

How to Boost Immunity against Coronavirus | How To Increase Immunity

How to Increase Immunity against Coronavirus

How to boost immunity against corona

Good immunity prevents the entry of germs bacteria and virus to enter into your body.


A strong immune system is needed in order to keep our body healthy.

 How to increase Immunity against COVID-19

If any germ or foreign body make a way into your body, your good immunity comes to rescue and wins the battle.


We need to keep our immunity strong. It can happen instantly that today you are fine and tomorrow can be a sick day for you and nobody wants a sick day.


Although you should always take a sick day if you need it. Building a strong immunity is no rocket science besides you just need to take care of your day to day diet and lifestyle by doing some basic stuff.


Here, are some ways which can help boost your immunity.


1  1. Take a Balanced Diet


By taking a balanced diet means providing your body the nutrients it requires to function correctly your diet should consist of fresh fruits colourful vegetables, whole grains, pulses, nuts and lean proteins.

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2  2. Move Your Body Regularly


Take out time about 30-40 minutes daily from your schedule for good physical movement do any type of exercise of your choice. You can make it a fun time by including your family or even friends.


3. 3. Cope-Up With Your Stress


A certain amount of stress is good to keep yourself motivated to do your work but excessive stress makes your mind and body slow and weak, and create imbalances in immune cell function.


Do activities that can help cope up your stress levels like watching your favourite show, meditation, painting, playing and many other mindfulness practices.


4. 4. Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!


Laugh a little more (a lot) daily. As you may have heard already laughter is the best medicine. A burst of good laughter relaxes your whole body and muscles and it helps relieve physical tension and stress from your body.


You can include this in your exercise routinely make a 5 minutes laughter exercise to reduce your stress.

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5. 5. Keep Yourself Hydrated


You should drink 8-10 glasses of clean and purified water to stay hydrated. Avoid unpurified water as it can contain many germs or microorganisms.


Keeping yourself hydrated will flush out the toxins from the body and leads to lower the chances of flu and infected diseases. The various alternative to keep yourself hydrated can be juices of citrus fruits and coconut water.


6. 6. Daily Dose Of Sun


Spending some time out in the sun and soaking some natural light can get you your daily dose of vitamin-D, although you should not expose yourself in sun more than 15-20 mins as it can cause sun-burn, tanning and skin cancer. But spending little time in the sun can build your immune system strong.


7. 7. Plenty Amount Of Good Sleep


Make sure you get plenty amount of undisturbed sleep. sleeping contributes a lot in building your immunity.


You should get a proper 7-8 hours of sleep,  you can actually do a favour to your body by ditching your late-night shows and getting yourself a proper sleep.


8.  8. Spice It Up


There is a reason we use ginger and garlic to our cooking, pungent ginger and garlic not only makes the food tasty but it also has immune-boosting quality.


Raw garlic contains antimicrobial and cancer-fighting agents and ginger, on the other hand, has been used for centuries to treat cold, flu and nausea. Read Also: 16 Best Exercise to increase height 


9. 9. Herbal tea


Herbal tea made of tulsi ginger, black pepper, cloves and honey can boost up your immunity and helps to fight seasonal cold and flu.


Just add some punched ginger, crushed back pepper and cloves in some water and give it a boil, strain and drink it adding some honey to it.


     10. Eat More Plant Products


Vegetables in green, red and yellow colour are fully loaded with nutrients that we need to keep our immune system boosted.


Nuts and seed contains proteins our body needs to function better and helps in boosting our immune system.


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Boosting your immunity can be a daily activity by just doing these simple things daily. you can make lifestyle changes to boost up your immunity. you should not compromise on your sleep and should not skip on exercising, By keeping yourself hydrated and should cut on daily sugar intake. Before indulging into any serious regimen you should consult a doctor. Also, if you are experiencing a severe cold and flu then you should get yourself checked and take medications accordingly, do not self treat yourself.


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